Preparing Generation Z For Life: Improving the college experience!

Recently, I came across a New York Times article which revealed that kids graduate from college and often remark “I don’t know what I want to do…for my first job…or career”.  Even though parents spend massive amounts of time, energy and money putting them on the right path. Over the past few decades, the U.S. population […]

How Smart is the SmartWell™?

This spring at the University of Connecticut, I mentored a team of graduate students (who were working on Masters degrees in Project Management and Economic Analysis) to help them create a unique new concept. Their startup concept is a unique water purification and beverage delivery system called the SmartWell™.

What innovative ideas have come to you in a dream?

Innovative ideas can come to you in a dream. I have a new client, an arts consultant, who works with corporations to evaluate the art they have hanging throughout their headquarters and other facilities. She helps organize their collection, like how they should rotate it and if they should use fine art (originals) or poster […]

Considering relocating your business? Think outside the box!

How do you decide where your business home base should be? Think outside the box and consider the technological infrastructure and tax rates of potential areas. At a recent meeting I attended, technology experts from Connecticut talked about the fact that there are markets – Austin and Chattanooga – where connectivity is much faster than […]

How Can You Invest In Your Community To Develop Tomorrow’s Leaders?

Carving time out of your busy schedule to give back to your community can be challenging but not impossible. I’ve made it a priority in my personal and business lives to give back to those who may not have had the same opportunities I have had. I’m very involved with a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the […]

Using Future Spotting Effectively

In our last article, we discussed the advantages of using “crystal ball” in a business setting. While one can hope that gazing deep into such a device can reveal the future, this is usually not the case. Instead, one can brush up on their “Future Spotting” ability which refers to having an awareness of emerging […]

Is your time management system like this?

With a new year comes a new way of managing information. I used to use a planner called Time Design, which was a system that gave an activities checklist, rather than a daily to do list. You would take your thoughts and ideas, download them then prioritize them. There was a category for immediate projects, […]

What does $16B buy you in today’s tech market? Ask Facebook!

The front page of the New York Times recently featured the story of What’s App, a text-based app with 450 million users worldwide, with the majority of users being in Europe. This app allows small group discussions by text, so it has facilitated great communities of people who want smaller true-friends-and-family-style conversations. Last year, Facebook […]

3 Challenges Business Startups Face

I have been working with several rapidly-growing companies. For some, their employee base has doubled or even tripled in a span of 12-18 months. The challenges these companies have faced can be categorized into 3 areas: Space. What is the right amount of space and where should it be located? Communication. How does a company […]

Lessons from a Lego Tournament

Recently, I attended the Connecticut State Tournament with a team of LEGO Robotics Kids. Our team was one of 50 participating from across the state. Most of the teams were school-based, so the kids know each other, they’re familiar with their equipment, and they meet on a regular basis. Some were private schools, giving them […]