Wow! A New Tech Revolution in CT

On November 7, 2013, I attended the Connecticut Innovation Summit with my growth company advisee, Q-Bank Group. This Summit determines which tech companies are the ones to be watched. The companies that attended were placed into several different categories, including software, social media and the life sciences – the last category being the one in […]

How we can work outside the box?

I recently spent time with some students from Domus – a CT-based social service agency that has group homes, charter schools, community centers – as a presenter at a career day. The students who attend this school have had to deal with significant challenges in their lives, because of trauma and other difficulties. Many of […]

How to maximize value by making something out of nothing

How can you maximize the value of something when you may not recognize its worth? This is the question one of my clients faced. The answer they found may surprise you. First Presbyterian Church of Stamford, Conn., is a historic church landmark, founded in 1853. To accommodate growth, the congregation’s new Modern structure was built […]

Trying New and Innovative Ways to Educate Our Children

A common refrain I hear today from both educators and parents is about the Achievement Gap in our schools. In fact, far too many of our children are failing in public schools and, without help, are likely to fall into patterns which will make it difficult for them to thrive in life. We need to […]

Commemorating Hurricane Sandy with a New Kind of Shelter

The end of October is the one year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. It seems appropriate to remember and honor those who suffered during that storm by sharing a great new project I’m working on. It calls for us to look at a reoccurring problem in a totally different way. Let me explain. Shortly after a […]

Robotics Lessons for Students — and Adults

My business is all about thinking “outside the box” for my clients to help them find solutions to their real estate challenges. I love to see this same kind of problem-solving take shape among kids as they deal with challenges on a micro-level through Legos. I’m involved with three competitive Lego teams of middle-school and […]

SS United States

The iconic transatlantic cruiser, the SS United States celebrated its 60th birthday last year. Built at the height of the cold war with a conglomeration of federal and private money, the SS United States was designed to accommodate up to 10,000 troops; measuring 1,000 feet long with a slender frame. Now cleaned out of interior […]

Freedom Tower: The American Spirit Rising from the Rubble

It’s hard to forget the events of September 11, 2001, when the once tall and proud World Trade Center was brought to ruin by extremists who sought to annihilate the American spirit. Twelve years later, on May 10th 2013, the last piece of the Freedom Tower was set into place atop a structure so innovative […]

Your future is now in my hands…

Lately I’ve been doing a considerable amount of work with technology firms that are exhibiting high growth capacity. Typically they fall somewhere between start-up, pre-revenue to profitability, so their needs are continually evolving. Their growth rate is exponential, quickly outgrowing their physical space. Finding a suitable building or parcel of land is the most important […]